Struggling with Imposter Syndrome? 3 Ways to Combat It

I have to be honest. I’ve never been afraid of change, it’s not the way I am built. But changing the way I do business after ten years has been a struggle. Not because I’m not capable, or not willing to put in the work, but because I find myself playing the comparison game.

Especially since becoming more tuned in to Instagram and other social media, I come away feeling exhausted and often a little depressed. I think to myself, “Why do they have it all figured out, and I don’t? Maybe after I do this or do that, maybe then I’ll bring what they are bringing…”

Do you have those thoughts? Normally, I’m a very positive person. I rely on my faith, and I don’t like to give these thoughts space in a written or verbal form. I would rather prophesize positive energy into my life. 

But, I am only human.

This is a hard topic for me to write about, but I want to share my experience in hopes that it may help you.

So what is imposter syndrome? According to VeryWell Mind, impostor syndrome (IS) refers to an internal experience of believing that you are not as competent as others perceive you to be. 

Basically, you may come to believe that you are a phony.

According to Valerie Young, an imposter syndrome expert and author of The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women, if you fit into one of these personality boxes, you may more easily suffer from imposter syndrome:


☐ Perfectionist

Any small mistake will send them over the edge.

☐ Expert

This person feels like they need to know all the answers all the time, or they will feel like a failure.

☐ Natural Genius

When learning something new doesn’t come easily, like they are used to, it makes them feel they aren’t good enough.

☐ Soloist

Asking for help is unacceptable for them, and when they are forced to ask for that help, it makes them feel like a fraud.

☐ Superwoman

They push themselves to work harder than anyone else, and need to check everything off the list to feel accomplished.


How many boxes do you check? I check all five! GAH!

I am definitely a perfectionist. I do consider myself an expert in my field which can sometimes feel like a lot of pressure. I am someone who learns software quickly and easily (most of the time), and I hate asking for help. I am also a mom, wife and person of color. I am constantly pushing the boundaries of what can be done in order to prove that I am good enough, not only for myself, but for others.

So how do I tackle this?


First, I disconnect.

Get off social media. Turn off your phone. Spend time with the people you love. Giving yourself space will help you get perspective on the situation.

Second, resist the tendency to compare yourself.

Remind yourself that your journey is unique, and that there is no right or wrong way. You can still accomplish your goals even if you’ve taken a different path than others. Simply, be YOU.

Third, repeat after me: “You are enough.”

You are enough. You are enough today, you are enough tomorrow, and you will be enough the day after that. Showing up every day, even when you’re feeling like a mess, means you are enough.


I’m not a doctor, but this is what has worked for me. 

Take care of yourself. Get some rest, eat well and move your body. Take some “me” time, and do what you have to do to make yourself well again. 

And if you are having a rough day, and you need some words of encouragement, I’ll be here to remind you that you are enough.

Go get ‘em!


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Hi, I’m Monica. I’m a brand and website designer with a background in graphic design. I am a mom, creative, and entrepreneur. I started my side hustle about 10 years ago. When I became a mom, I knew it was time to leave my day job and take on my business full-time. The last 5 years of my business have been full of growing pains, but also many wins. I’ve been blessed with wonderful clients that have helped me survive the pandemic, and in turn, I’m here spilling design and business knowledge on these pages. My goal is to help small creative businesses thrive and accomplish their biggest dreams. What’s your dream? 

Want to learn more about Monica? Click here.

Do you need a design partner? Let’s chat about your next project. I’d love to help you.

And if you’re not ready to chat, then send me an email. I’m always happy to hear from you and answer any questions. Sending you positive vibes!


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